The Truth Table (Mathematic Logic/Computer Programming)

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

OK friends, today I want to share the truth table. This one is for the logical or maybe in mathematic we called it mathematical logics. This one is important in programming or computer programming. I hope you guys understand the table, and If I make mistakes in the table, please write a comment then I will fix it later... Happy studying guys...

P.S: My English is still bad

So this is the table that I've made in Ms. Word, then that is it's picture:

This is just two variables, p and q, if we want to add more variables, so we must add the rows.
How to count the number rows?
2^number of variables:
For examples
There are 3 variables:
p, q, and r.
So, how many number of rows should we make?
The answer is 2^3 = 8 rows. Easy right? This is maybe a pre-elementary school lesson, depends on the country.

So this is the picture, don't forget to write comment if I make mistakes guys:)

The 2 variables truth table
Later, I add the picture of 3 variables truth table, so this is the picture, don't forget to write comment if I make mistakes guys:) we are learning together here...

The 3 variables truth table

Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

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